
9 back-to-school essentials

I know a lot of people are already back in school, but for me, classes don't start for another couple of weeks. I've always loved this time of year -- at heart, I'm just a big nerd who loves routine, going to class, and studying into the wee hours of the night. The first day of school always feels like a second New Year's Day to me, which means the back-to-school season is the perfect time for me to check in on my resolutions, make new goals, and yes, buy some cool new things.

As someone who has made it through 16 years of school and is about to go through more, I feel like I've got my school necessities down. As much as I love buying new notebooks, pens, binders, etc., those are pretty much a no-brainer. In this particular shopping round-up, I've skipped over the actual school "supplies" and instead included those little things that will make your life easier on a day-to-day basis -- things that will help you stay organized, focused, and healthy!

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