
moodboard | stormy seas

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

You know that saying, "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor"? (Google tells me it's actually an English proverb.) It's a great source of motivation for me when I'm feeling overwhelmed or challenged, and I have a feeling it will be my mantra for the rest of this week... But once I make it through, I'll have almost a full week of vacation and best friend reunion time down in New Orleans, and I could not be more excited!

In any case, I feel like my love for the aforementioned quote is showing through in this week's moodboard, though it's possible the somewhat dreary weather is playing a part, too. Whatever the inspiration may be, I really love the muted grey and blue color palette found in this somewhat eclectic collection of images. Nautical meets celestial, young meets old -- and yet all the different elements seem to hint at some grand adventure...

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